Article #15
Oct 21, 2022
Every man has the right to choose the level on which he will live. This is one of the lessons that God must teach us before we enter into battle. God was giving these people one more chance to change their position from convenience to conquest. In Numbers 32, which is a reference to this delay, Joshua instructed these tribes to go into battle and lead the army into Canaan. Can you imagine God with His unparalleled mercy, giving these tribes another chance to become what they could become? Here is the undiscouraged love of God as He pursues those who submit their lives to the attack of the enemy by living a lifestyle of convenience and compromise. This was the purpose of these tribes leading the battle. Maybe, when they saw the victory and the sovereignty of God was displayed when the walls fell, they would change their mind and follow the Lord fully. If they tasted this victory, they would desire to have more of it and pursue the plan and the presence of God. What a demonstration of the mercy and love of God to those who choose the life of least resistance. To those who have settled into a life of easiness where there is none or little sense of responsibility, God gives a chance to move into His perfect plan.